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Kansas Wesleyan University

社会学是一个令人兴奋和启发性的研究领域,它分析和解释了我们个人生活中的重要问题, our communities and the world. Sociology’s subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to religion, from the family to the state, 从种族和社会阶层的划分到共同文化的共同信仰,从社会稳定到整个社会的彻底变革. 社会学的目的是将这些不同的研究主题统一起来,以理解人类的行为和意识是如何塑造周围的文化和社会结构的,以及如何被周围的文化和社会结构塑造.

At the personal level, 社会学研究诸如浪漫爱情之类的事情的社会原因和后果, racial and gender identity, family conflict, deviant behavior, aging and religious faith. At the societal level, sociology examines and explains matters like crime and law, poverty and wealth, prejudice and discrimination, schools and education, business firms, urban community and social movements. At the global level, sociology studies such phenomena as population growth and migration, war and peace and economic development. 社会学家强调仔细收集和分析有关社会生活的证据,以发展和丰富我们对关键社会过程的理解.

社会学也可以作为相关领域的第二专业或辅修专业, such as majors in Criminal Justice, 心理学和心理服务辅修政治学.

For more information, contact Dr. Andrew Bedrous, Professor of Sociology, or call (785) 833-4359.

Hands-On Learning

在大学攻读社会学学位或第二主修或副修课程,使这个领域充满活力. 有机会在校外进行研究和获得职业经验. 可以在当地社区组织实习,为简历添补. Conduct research in an area you’re passionate about. 我校行为科学专业的学生可以在专业期刊上发表论文, 在学术会议上做演讲,帮助萨利纳的公司和组织做出更好的决策.

This program is offered:

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    On Campus

Mission Statement


大学社会学课程的使命是培养未来的国际公民, 有能力推动有意义的社会变革的国家和社区领导人, 批判性地思考社会问题,并有效地利用科学数据寻求解决方案.

Program Goals


Demonstrate understanding of sociological theory, social research methodology, comparative and historical-cultural analysis, make effective use of research and data, understand social activism and community involvement.

Sociology Course Offerings

SOCI 108 Cultural Anthropology — 3 Credit Hours (Odd Year Spring)

文化人类学是研究人类对自然和社会环境的适应的学科. The subfields of ethnology and archaeology will be emphasized, with the major focus given to the developing areas of the world.

SOCI 131 The Sociological Imagination — 3 Credit Hours (Odd Year Fall & Odd Year Spring)

本课程将向学生介绍社会学的基本思想、研究和见解. 研究的主题包括社会学中使用的主要理论方法, culture, socialization, stratification, social institutions and social change. Global culture in comparison of American culture.

SOCI 200 Global Demography — 3 Credit Hours (Even Year Spring)

本课程提供了人口之间复杂而有争议的关系的多学科观点, politics, environmental change and economic development. 本课程的目的是让学生能够运用所学的概念来更好地理解世界和他们在其中的位置.

SOCI 240/SOWK 240不平等与分层-3学时(春季)

This course examines the economic diversity found in the United States, 特别注意不平等的三个关键方面:性别, race and class. 本课程研究不平等的基本来源,以及生活在不平等结构的不同部分所产生的后果. 学生们将被要求批判性地看待不平等问题如何影响他们的生活, 他们的家庭和周围的社区,以及检查他们自己和他人对各种不平等的反应.

SOCI 250 Racial & Ethnic Minorities — 3 Credit Hours (Fall)

This course studies cultural diversity in America. 重点将放在历史和目前的情况下,所有种族/民族群体, including white ethnics. 预计每个学生都将完成对自己家族史的详尽回顾.

SOCI 286 Special Topics – Lower-Level — Variable Credit (On Demand)

本课程允许研究社会学和刑事司法的当前主题,最适合大二水平的学生. The faculty will seek student input in the development of the topics.

SOCI 290 Independent Study — Variable Credit (On Demand)

本课程允许在社会学和刑事司法的当前主题的研究. The faculty will seek student input in the development of the topics. Possible topics include special offender issues, police operations, urban sociology, social deviance, formal organizations and social problems. 更详细的描述请参见学术学分的替代方法下的独立研究.

SOCI 331 Methods of Research — 3 Credit Hours (Fall)

本课程概述了主要的研究设计及其实施. Some field work will be required. Typically, this course is for students with advanced standing. Computer applications should be anticipated.

SOCI 375 Environmental Sociology — 3 Credit Hours (Odd Year Spring)

本课程旨在概述主要的社会学理论, concepts, principles and experiences that shape human-environment interaction. 本课程的目标是让学生了解人类社会对自然世界的影响方式, how the natural world affects human societies and individuals, and the ways in which we can understand this relationship. In order to accomplish this goal, 我们将研究人类行为对环境的影响的历史趋势和模式,以及对这些信息的社会反应.

SOCI 386 The Wesleyan Journey — 1-6 Credit Hours (On Demand)

本课程将服务学习与旅行结合,为学生提供强化价值观和能力的机会, in addition to learning specific academic content. 服务项目将与课程的学术内容联系起来, 这门课程可能需要一门必修课程或单独的专题课程. 积分根据旅程的长度而有所不同,并且可能涉及额外的旅行费用. 先决条件:推荐INTD 110,但不是本课程的要求.

SOCI 404 Sociological Theory — 3 Credit Hours (Even Year Spring)

This is an advanced course for seniors, which will attempt to integrate and make more coherent the theories, concepts and methodologies of classical and contemporary sociology.

SOCI 460 Internship — 1 — 10 Credit Hours (On Demand)

该学生将在社区组织中获得丰富的实地经验. Placement will be based on the student’s career orientation. 前提条件:部门批准并满足适用的入职标准.

SOCI 485 Special Upper-Level Topics — Variable Credit (On Demand)

本课程允许在社会学和刑事司法的当前主题的研究. The faculty will seek student input in the development of the topics. Possible topics include special offender issues, police operations, urban sociology, formal organizations, urban planning and demography.

SOCI 490 Independent Study — Variable Credit (On Demand)

本课程允许在社会学和刑事司法的当前主题的研究. The faculty will seek student input in the development of the topics. Possible topics include special offender issues and police operations. 更详细的描述请参见学术学分的替代方法下的独立研究.

Sociology Major and Minor Requirements

Sociology Major

The student must complete all of the following:

BSHS 210 Statistical Analysis – 3

BSHS 210L SPSS Lab – 1

SOCI 131 The Sociological Imagination – 3

SOCI 331 Methods of Research – 3

SOCI 404 Sociological Theory – 3

SOCI 490 Independent Study – 3

or SOC 460 Internship

The student must complete at least three of the following courses:

BSHS 231 Marriage & Family – 3

or BSHS 232 Human Sexuality

SOCI 108 Cultural Anthropology – 3

SOCI 200 Global Demography – 3

SOCI 240 Inequity and Stratification – 3

SOCI 250 Racial & Ethnic Minorities – 3

The student must complete 15 hours of electives from the following:

CRIM 230 Criminology – 3

EMGT 303 Sociology of Disaster – 3

EMGT 306 Social Vulnerability Approach to Disasters – 3

PSYC 201 Social Psychology – 3

PSYC 325 Abnormal Psychology – 3

SOCI/BSHS/CRIM Electives – 15

Sociology Minor

The student must complete:

SOCI 131 The Sociological Imagination

The student must complete 6 hours of electives from the following:

BSHS 231 Marriage and Family – 3

SOCI 108 Cultural Anthropology – 3

SOCI 200 Global Demography – 3
SOCI 240 Inequity and Stratification – 3
SOCI 250 Racial and Ethnic Minorities – 3
SOCI 286 Special Topics – 3
SOCI 290 Independent Study – 3
SOCI 331 Research Methods – 3
SOCI 375 Environmental Sociology – 3
SOCI 404 Sociological Theory – 3
SOCI 460 Internship – Variable
SOCI 485 Special Topics – 3
SOCI 490 Independent Study – 3


BSHS 100 Introduction to Political Science – 3

BSHS 105 Foundations of Addiction – 3

BSHS 110 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services – 3

BSHS 200 Public Policy – 3

BSHS 220 Gender – 3

CRIM 230 Criminology – 3

CRIM 235 Juvenile Delinquency – 3

CRIM 325 Crime Analysis – 3

EDUC 244 Developmental Psychology – 3

EDUC 346 Social Studies for Elem Teacher – 3

EMGT 303 Sociology of Disaster – 3

EMGT 304 Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster – 3

EMGT 306 Social Vulnerability Approach to Disaster – 3

PSYC 120 Positive Psychology – 3

PSYC 201 Social Psychology – 3

PSYC 325 Abnormal Psychology – 3
SOWK 140 Social Justice – 3
SOWK 225 Human Behavior and the Social Environment – 3
SOWK 340 Social Welfare Policy Practice – 3